Adult Day School

Click here to learn about all our credit programs and begin registration.

We will reach out to you using the contact information you provided above to confirm registration.

If you have any questions, please contact us at or call 905-440-4539. 

For deposit returns or to withdraw from a program, please complete this form.

Program Summary

Adult Day School allows you to earn high school credits to complete your graduation, upgrade marks or take courses needed for future employment or post-secondary.  There are no tuition fees and a new term starts every 9 weeks. Morning or afternoon classes are available and courses use a hybrid format (blend of face-to-face and online learning) allowing for flexible study options.  When enrolled in Adult Day School, you can have a Mature Student Evaluation or a Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) done through the Guidance department.

Course Information 

Course Registration Information

Dual Credit Programs
 Term 4 - Try on a Trade

 Course Flyer



Program Overview

Try on a Trade for Free!

Jump forward!  Try something new, do something you enjoy, and experience the college lifestyle all while working towards graduating from high school.

Dual credits are free college courses through a partnership between Durham Continuing Education and Durham College which also count towards the high school diploma.  You have a college instructor and a high school teacher who assists your transition to college with special supports and workshops while you study.  

Term 4 – The program is:  Try on a Trade

You will earn:

2 Durham College credits:  Wood Framed Construction (RENO 1101/TSQ4T), and Basic Electrical Techniques (TFBE1301/TNC4T). 

3 High School credits:  Grade 12 Workplace Math (MEL4E) with a trade focus, plus the two college credits.

Optional:  Students may also participate in a Cooperative Education placement in the summer to consolidate skills, earn additional credits, and gain valuable employment connections. 


Course Description

The Wood Framed Construction course covers the fundamentals of wood framing structures and components integral to stick framed structures. Students will learn the basic building skills for new construction and almost every remodelling or addition project. The Basic Electrical course covers an understanding of electricity, basic wiring methods, components, tools, and authority standards associated with a single family electrical residential installation.   Additional time will be spent on small construction projects, construction math, and safety.  Certifications include: Standard First Aid & CPR, Working at Heights, Fire Extinguisher Training, and WHMIS. 


Potential Students

Adult dual credit courses are intended for individuals:

  • Aged 21 or older,
  • Working toward the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (have not yet earned the OSSD)
  • Interested and positioned to attend college
  • Able to physically work safely in a shop environment with mechanical equipment, noise and dust



This term’s program would appeal to adults who want to explore the trades of wood framed construction and electrical, try out a college course for free, learn valuable hands-on skills, prepare for further college study, work, or apprenticeship.  This term’s Wood Framed Construction course is part of the Carpentry and Renovation Technician Diploma program at Durham College.  Basic Electrical is a course from the 1-year Trades Fundamentals program at Durham College.


College Program Benefits

Free course tuition

Earn two college credits

Learn to use DC Connect (online college course platform)

Free application voucher for those applying to an Ontario College

Free Durham Region Transit pass for the duration of the classes


High School Benefits

Earn up to 3 credits towards the Ontario Secondary School Diploma

Upgrade employment skills

Transition to work or college

Free First Aid & CPR, Working at Heights Certification, Fire Extinguisher Training and WHMIS


Class Format

In person, in classroom, Monday to Friday

April 14, 2025 – June 17, 2025

9:00 am – 3:00 pm (specific schedule TBA)



Scheduling is being finalized.  The program will take place between both Whitby Campus for Durham College and EA Lovell Adult and Continuing Education Centre. 

E. A. Lovell ACEC - Map
120 Centre St. S.
Oshawa, ON
L1H 4A3 


Durham College

Whitby Skills Trade Centre

1610 Champlain Ave.

Whitby, ON

L1N 6A7



All requests for registrations are reviewed to ensure that students meet the student profile criteria.  Registration in the program is only finalized once all documentation has been received and student receives an emailed acceptance confirmation.



To begin the registration process, please select the dual credit option and complete the on-line registration form

For more information, please contact:



 Term 4 - Logistics and Distribution


Course Flyer


Program Overview

Jump forward!  Try something new, do something you enjoy, and experience the college lifestyle all while working towards your Ontario Secondary School Diploma.  Dual credits are free college courses that are linked with the high school curriculum through a partnership between Durham Continuing Education and Durham College.  You have a college instructor and a high school teacher who assists you by providing supports to promote your success in both the college and high school courses.

This term the dual credit program is: Logistics and Distribution

You will earn:

1 Durham College credit:  Supply Chain Management (SCMT1100)

2 Ontario Secondary School credits:  Marketing: Retail Service (BMX 3E), plus the college credit above which is recorded on your high school transcript as Management Principles (BBG4T)

+ an additional 2 credits in Cooperative education if you elect to take the optional program in July and August


Course Descriptions

Durham College credit:  Supply Chain Management - SCMT 1100 / Recorded on Ontario Secondary School Transcript as BBG4T.  This course introduces students to the important contribution that supply chain and operations managers make to the success of any organization.  Depending upon the nature of the business, a supply chain and operations manager’s job can involve interacting with suppliers, managing transportation of goods, overseeing the day-to-day activities involved in the production of goods and services, solving problems, and working with customers – all with an eye toward meeting quality and efficiency goals.  Supply chain and operations management is a growing field of employment in the Canadian economy. 

Durham Continuing Education credit:  Marketing:  Retail Service – BMX 3E.  This course focuses on marketing activities in the retail and service sectors.  You will examine trends and global influences on marketing decisions and will learn about the importance of customer service in developing a customer base and maintaining customer loyalty.  Through hands-on learning, you will develop personal selling and information technology skills that will prepare you for a variety of marketing related position in the workplace.




Potential Students

Adult dual credit courses are intended for individuals:

  • aged 21 or older,
  • working towards the Ontario Secondary School Diploma
  • interested and positioned to attend college


This term’s dual credit, Supply Chain Management, is a first-year course from the Supply Chain and Operations Diploma programs at Durham College.  It is suitable for individuals who are interested in a career related to all aspects of logistics and distribution including manufacturing, transportation, warehousing, or sales, and for those interested in learning more about the subject matter.


Class Format

In-person, in classroom, Monday to Friday from 9:00 am – 2:30 pm

April 14 – June 17, 2025                                                                             

Classes will be scheduled at both the Durham College north campus and Durham Continuing Education’s EA Lovell Adult Education Centre.   The exact schedule will be shared as room booking is finalized by the college.



Durham College

2000 Simcoe Street North

Oshawa, ON

L1G 0C5


E. A. Lovell ACEC - Map
120 Centre St. S.
Oshawa, ON
L1H 4A3 


Please note: 


All requests for registrations are reviewed to ensure that students meet the student profile criteria. Registration in the program is only finalized once all documentation has been received. 



To begin the registration process, please complete the REGISTRATION FORM.   


For more information, please contact:


Maureen Cook


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) 
How can I earn high school credits as an adult?
  1. Complete a Day School course. 
  2. Complete an eLearning course.  
  3. Complete a correspondence course.
  4. Attend a night school class.
  5. Complete a course through the North Credit program (for people who live in Beaverton, Cannington, Port Perry, Uxbridge and surrounding communities).  
  6. Complete a cooperative education course.
  7. Complete a summer school course.
  8. After completing 1 credit through any of Durham Continuing Education's programs, you can get a Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) or a Mature Student Evaluation (MSE) done.
How do I juggle my personal responsibilities along with my school committments?

Many students have family, personal and/or work responsibilities outside of school. Durham Continuing Education offers many program alternatives to day school, including:

  1. eLearning
  2. Learn@Home correspondence courses
  3. Night School
  4. North Credit program (for residents of Beaverton, Cannington, Port Perry, Uxbridge and surrounding communities)
  5. Summer School

Students can enroll in a class that best fits their schedule. If you are a young parent collecting Ontario Works, you may qualify for a program called Learning Earning and Parenting (LEAP) which assists parents with school and parenting. Speak with your OW counsellor about possible options.

Many organizations assist students in their return to work, including Ontario WorksOntario Disability Support ProgramImmigration and Citizenship, and the John Howard Society. Contact a community agency that may be of assistance to you for more information.

How much does a course cost?
There are no fees for Day School courses.
I only have a few credits. Can I really get my diploma?

DCE offers Adult Upgrading courses for students to strengthen math and reading skills before entering credit courses.

Depending on how long you have been out of school, you may be eligible for Prior Learning and Assessment Recognition (PLAR) or a Mature Student Evaluation (MSE).

What job skills training programs are available? 

In addition to the regular credit programming, students can complete Pathways certificate programs. Pathways programs include classroom theory and cooperative education placements. Programs available include:

  1. Building Maintenance and Environmental Services
  2. Hospitality
  3. Logistics and Distribution
  4. Office Administration
  5. The Enterprising Employee
Program Location

E. A. Lovell ACEC - Map

120 Centre St. S.

Oshawa, ON

L1H 4A3

Student Testimonial - Ashley

"The hybrid course I just finished, along with the one that I took last term, have better helped me understand how to use computers.  The option to use Office 365 has helped me because I do not have Microsoft Word at home.  I was able to work on things at home, including my ISU. I appreciate the option to do a hybrid course because a lot of people going to DCE have children that aren't quite in school yet, so the opportunity to stay home and work on homework is nice and it meant that I wasn't losing a day away from my studies."

Ashleigh Owen


Student Testimonial - Mick
Climbing My Own Personal "Mount Everest"
What Do I Need to Bring to My Registration Appointment
  1. Proof of Canadian Citizenship (if you were born outside of Canada, please bring the original of one of the documents below):
    1. Canadian citizenship card
    2. Canadian Passport
    3. Permanent Visa
    4. Other Visa
    5. Student Visa
    6. Refugee Status
  2. Photo identification - Canadian Passport, Driver's Licence, Health Card

If you were born outside of Canada, we will require your place of birth and the date of your landing in Canada for registration. All ID must be in the same name. If you have changed your name you must provide legal proof of the name change.

It is recommended that you bring:

  • a high school transcript/consolidated school report or status sheet from your last secondary school
  • if you are preparing for post-secondary studies, you should bring a list of the pre-requisites for the program(s) you are hoping to work towards